Aseto Zao
He's a man of distinguished humanity,
He's a man of individual, deeply focused,
He's a man with many acquaintances,
yet very small circle of friends,
He's a man of high status, with humble personality,
He's a man of dedication, always optimistic,
He's a man of prestige, yet very approachable,
He's a motivator, who led an inspiration to many hearts.
He's a man who accepts criticism, with brightest smile,
He's a man who accepts compliments, with a kindest heart.
He's a man, who was always true to himself and to the world.
He's a man, who fought the good fight alone,
against nepotism, criticism & rejections.
He's a man who lived a kindest & humblest life,
And Bollywood would never find another one like him.
The eternal repose of one distinguished humanity
will always be remembered.
Aseto Zao
is a singer and performer
and he lives in Dimapur, Nagaland
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