Namrata Talukdar

The angry screams, alike the tornado coming in strong
They vouch for the year, the worst hour felt and seen
The dreams been crushed, irks them more
The ghastly tempest is out to rip the soul from the core
The advancing year, and with that the frowning crowd
The agenda is to beat all the calamities known.
Lo and behold! a life is breathing inside
A mother nurtures in fear, as they command the end
But the patter of tiny feet is yet to be heard
As she wails, "Oh ,Lord ,entreat you to be merciful to the unborn soul."
The earth is shattering to the violence
To the wrath of the unseen agent befall
The fuming mass declares war now.
Painful it is when the best of your time,
Seems a conspicuous worst for all.
At length, came the day to rejoice
But the walls are tainted already
A new born embraced the essence of the land
Then arrives the windfall amidst the storm
His smile is more infectious, more than the fatal virus itself
That transferred the vibe from dim to clear
That alters the pessimism throughout
Amused with the game of the two edged player
The mist has cleared the row,
On resolved thoughts, only tender feelings of a devoted mother now
Encircles her beaming face and brow.

Namrata Talukdar
works as Soft Skills Faculty at Down Town University
and lives in Guwahati
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