Pratibha Varma
An open letter to poets and writers,
who weave rainbows on cloudless skies,
and construct parallel universes
For potent highs,
To those who pen to wash
hate slogans off tainted souls;
to rescue ageing genies
from bottled quotes;
To those who write
to denounce cultural contraceptions
and conceive survivals
through cosmic reunions;
I get inspired to write and post,
and god forbid if you find me lost,
don't disown me for my weird pronunciations
and erred conversations;
For reluctant phrases and grammatical disgraces;
Accept me in my truest version,
true to my love, true to my pain,
true to my fears,
true and brave,
true like tears on a martyr's grave!
Poet Pratibha Varma
lives in Dibrugarh, Assam
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